Satan Is My Master

a review of Ben Folds Five's Naked Baby Photos

by sarah

I am a monsterous fan of BFF, have been for years thanks to a dear friend who introduced me to them. Needless to say I was excited when I heard they were releasing a new album, even more excited when I had it in my hot lil hands. I would highly recommend this cd to any long time bff fans. But for newcomers turned onto them by 'Brick' (their smash hit with constant air play), I suggest buying their self-titled first release, 'Whatever and Ever Amen,' then buying 'Naked Baby Photos,' to fully appreciate it.

It's basically a goofy cd for the fans who've stuck with the band since the beginning and throughout the years. Live cuts, covers and previously unreleased material fills the album. ('To Y'All Who Wear Fanny Packs' is a riot, especially coming from three clean cut guys from Chapel Hill, NC) Silly photos in the cd jacket from the early and latest days of bff on the road show how much fun seeing them live can really be. (Grr, although it's only been one time for me, it honestly was one of the best shows I've seen in a long time. If you ever get a chance to score tickets to see em, definetly do so. You won't be disappointed. Though I hear they're selling out in many venues.)

They have recieved some slack for putting out an album like this so early in their sucess. But forget all that you've heard. It's a great album that will bring a smile to your face...really that's all that matters. :)

*For all Ben Folds fans, I hear he's releasing a solo album during the bands' break between records. I can only hope that Robert Sledge follows that same idea. Wink, wink, nudge, nudge. :)

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