tv character like you

"This is sad - George Costanza, on "Seinfeld." Lazy, 'imaginative' (scheming), peeved ... heehee, if you know me, and you know how he is, you'll see it. ha. :) Also Ally McBeal. Dreamy, hopeful, spacey, nervous ... again, dreamy. I, too, live in a fantasy world." -jennie

"Well, Ally and the whole dreaming too much thing. But I only wish I looked anything like her. I dunno...there aren't too many tv characters like me...for good reason! Otherwise tv would be boring." -sarah

"Jack, from Dawson's Creek. He is currently going through (in Australia -We are SO far behind) a lot of the stuff that I myself have, and still am going through. The whole 'coming out/who the hell AM I?!' thing..." -dan

"Grace from "Will & Grace," because she's always so crazy... She's hectic, and hyper, and just kooky!" -mary

"highlander. just history" -scot

"South Park - they tell it the way it is :-)" -lori

"Trent from "Daria" cause he is identical to a character in one of my stories."-arlie

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