Here's a place for you to let the other readers know what you think. These are the topics so far; click to read one, or submit your stories!
music | celebrities | personal


misunderstood song lyrics

a band you miss

a band you'd like to meet

my first show

i can't believe i used to like [act]!

a song that you feel describes your life & why

best &/or worst cover tune you've heard

i'd like to see [band] cover [this '80's pop song]


tv character like you

someone's writing you admire

someone you'd like to see appear on 'the simpsons'

celebrity 'crushes' that you have

favorite athletes

cartoon character like you

cartoon character that rocks

it was really memorable meeting ...


something you're still kicking yourself over

something from yesteryear that you think should be brought back

a sillyish, kind of trivial aspiration you have

a goal you're actively pursuing

best and worst things about the internet

Buffalo Sabres or Buffalo Bills

something that would make your city a better place

coolest gift you've ever received

favorite video games

a company you'd like to work for

the coolest jobs

if you were an animal, what would you be, & why?

the coolest animal

favorite place to get fast food

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